In case you've been wondering where good ol' Doc Bollywood has been, well he has taken a brief respite to welcome the newest member of his family - Rajan Vyas :) Been waiting a long time to do this particular post and it's been well worth it. Rajan was born on 10/1/08 and came out at a very healthy 9 lbs 13 ozs. He has already been well indoctrinated into the world of Bollywood as filmi music has been playing non stop since he has come home. Lullabies? Who needs them when you have Indian classical music soothing him to sleep every night. He already does have a predilection to Kishore Kumar (go figure) and the below picture is what happened when we turned the melodies off.
I hope to do my best and 'pay it forward' in regards to passing on my love of Indian music on to him just like my parents did for me. It's been a lot like a Bollywood movie in these first few days - alot of laughter, tears, drama, music and much love all the way through. If you want to keep up with his going ons or see more pictures I invite you to check out Rajan's website. The song for today is 'Chanda Hai Tu' about a parent's love for their new son and is just as meaningful today as it was when it was picturized with Sharmila Tagore back 40 years ago - when the good Doc Bollywood himself was debuted (see pic below).

Congrats Papa! Love the pics, love the song!! Can't wait to meet Rajan sometime very soon ;-)
Congrats!! thank you for sharing your joys with us. Many, many blessings for Rajan.
Love that Bollywood sleeper!
Awwww, congratulations! What an exciting time for your family. :-) I looove the Bollywood sleeper too, and would've loved to stick the same onto my kiddos, but given their coloring probably their onesie would read "Future Back-Up Dancers in Bollywood Discotheque Scene." ;-)
Congratulations! Sounds like you're giving him a great start in life. I know a lot of people who use those Baby Mozart CDs, but Baby Kishore can only lead to better results. :)
Congratulations Sanket and Nilong! What a darling boy. You guys will be the best parents. Rajan is one lucky little boy.
Julie G
SOOOO CUUUUUUTE! Congratulations!
Congratulations to you and your family- am v happy for you :D !
All the best,
Congrats! Love that you've started the Bollywood training already. Its never too early to begin. :-)
Rajan is adorable and it's lovely that he's been surrounded by love AND music. Congratulations!!
Thanks all for the warm wishes and lovely comments. Rajan has been alot of fun (and ALOT of work) but we would not have it any other way. Will continue to shower him with Bollywood propoganda and report every so often on his progress!
WOW! Your blog is so awesome- how come you never told me about it? I wish you would send me updates to my email, that way it would be even easier to access.
Welcome to Rajan Tajan- too bad I already met him and I know that he actually likes lullabies, as long as they are sung in Hindi, and they rhyme.
Crackie loves Bhai and will read his blog every month, because not only is it brilliantly written and informative, but also, the music is's like music for my soul.
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