Just a pause here to thank everyone that has been visiting this website and for all of your encouragement & comments. I started my blog in July of 2006 and didn't even realize that a year had passed because I was so enjoying sharing the music that meant so much to me. I passed the 100 song mark a few weeks ago and watched the readership go from a few friends of mine in Texas to several hundred scattered around the globe. Here's to another good year and another 100 unforgettable melodies...

No new movies or songs this week due to unforeseen circumstances. To steal a line from Napoleon Dynamite - "I love technology", but unfortunately it sometimes doesn't love me back. The radio.blog that I use to post all my songs has a new version that allows album covers, custom colors, different playlist orders and other options that I thought would make it more user friendly and easier to navigate. In theory I was right, in reality it caused all the songs to be deleted, the color to be changed to a creepy Halloween theme, the playlist to be shuffled ALL the time and the time stamp to read that the song was placed on my blog 38 years ago - which is technically impossible. I tried to get help on their forums and was given the following advice by the creators of radio.blog
'If you can't even understand the above instructions I gave, which is about as simple as it could possible get, then I suggest you stick with 2.5 or ask a friend to do it for you.'
But I am not so easily defeated and will redo the radio.blog from the ground up over the weekend. Until then enjoy the shuffled songs that are on there now and check back early next week for a special new post on my very first Bollywood movie that I saw on the big screen in India 30 years ago. After that I am planning a retrospective look back at Kishore Kumar - my favorite playback singer and one of the main reasons I love Bollywood so much. In fact, his passing 20 years ago on October 13, 1987 affected me so deeply that I stopped watching Bollywood movies completely and ended up coming back to them with a movie whose soundtrack is still one of my favorites to this day.